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GCSE & A-level Results & Next Steps

This week, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School’s GCSE and A-level students celebrated their achievements after another year of fantastic results.

In our latest blog, we are providing insight into the support and advice available to all Year 11 and Year 13 students this Summer and share some useful guidance on how to complete the appeals and resit process, should you decide that you wish to do so.

Results day successes

Firstly, our congratulations to all our GCSE and A-level students as we, along with parents and carers, celebrate another year of truly excellent grades. Our outstanding results reflect not only the hard work, resilience and determination of our students but also the expertise of our teaching staff and their commitment to securing excellent progress for our learners to access their chosen destinations.

There have been some exceptional moments during the past eighteen months despite the restrictions we have faced, and we are very proud of the efforts made by all students and staff to ensure our school has remained a safe and secure environment.


Appealing your grade

All students have the opportunity to appeal their grade if they meet the eligibility criteria, but it is important to note that an appeal may result in a grade being lowered, staying the same, or going up.

In previous years, students could ask for a review of the marking process, meaning that the exam board would check that the marks have been added up correctly. However, the practice of remarking papers has been removed for both A-level and GCSE students due to all grades being based on Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). Therefore, students who wish to appeal must submit a statement as to why they are challenging the grade based on the new criteria.



Do I meet the criteria?

There are four main grounds for appeal, as dictated by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). They are:

  • You think the school have made an administrative error: an example of this would be putting the wrong information into a spreadsheet.


  • You think we have made a procedural error: this means we haven’t properly followed our own process, as approved by the exam board. An example of this would be where you’ve been told you should have received extra time for assessments but this wasn’t given in a certain subject.


  • You think the academic judgement on the selection of evidence was unreasonable: you think the evidence used to grade you was not reasonable.


  • You think the academic judgement on the grade you were given was unreasonable.


Getting to grips with the process

Appeals follow a two-stage process, starting with the centre review. Here, all administrative checks are reviewed, for example, the policies and procedures followed by the school body are assessed for accuracy. If we find that a grade should go up or down, we will ask the exam board to change it and they will then consider the request during stage two. The deadline for submitting stage one for A-levels and GCSEs is 11.59 am on Friday 3 September 2021.

Following the outcome of a centre review, students may still choose to pursue an awarding organisation appeal. They must fill in a form, which we will then send on their behalf to the exam boards and an outcome will be made and communicated back to the student at this point.

Alternatively, priority appeals are also available to specific A-level students. For those who are starting university this Autumn after missing out on the conditions of their firm or insurance offer, priority appeals will be handled more quickly than other appeals and aim to be completed before UCAS’s advisory deadline of 8 September. The deadline for requesting a priority appeal is 11.59 am on Monday 16 August 2021.


Choosing to resit in the Autumn?

Should students decide to re-take exams in the Autumn series, you can choose to do this through our Centre. We will, therefore, be asking students to notify Mrs Robbins of their intention to sit any exams by Wednesday 1st September to enable us to plan accordingly.

Details as to where the exams will be taken are yet to be decided and any payment for any associated costs, which may include entry, will be accepted as a cheque, made payable to Stratford Girls’ Grammar School.

The exam boards will post the timetables on their websites and contact centres about entries in due course so please email the Exams Officer ( by Wednesday 1 September 2021 if you would like to resit an A-level and by Friday 22 September 2021 if you would like to resit a GCSE.

For further information on the appeals and resit process, please refer to the ‘Information on the Appeals’ guidance book on our website.


A few words of “Good luck!” from Dr Griffiths, Head of Sixth Form...


It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with you. You have been part of an amazing group of young people – thank you! I truly wish you all well in your future endeavours. Please stay in touch; it is always lovely to hear from our students and I hope that you consider returning to share your knowledge, experience and wisdom with our younger students.

From everyone at SGGS, best of luck with your future. We look forward to welcoming you to our alumnae from September.

Finally, a note from our Head Teacher, Mrs Cornell...

To our fantastic Year 11s, we very much hope that there were lots of you who celebrated on Results Day, but if not, please be assured that we, with the Sixth Form Team, are here to offer you support and guidance in your decision-making. You know what you have put into the last two years and your results will reflect your work, commitment and efforts. Remember, therefore, that your grades are yours to own and to be proud of!

We send warm congratulations to all of our A-level students as well, who have achieved the grades they need to progress onto their chosen, university or Higher Apprenticeship course. There have once again been many outstanding results right across the board.

In light of the national picture and the difficulties faced by all over the last eighteen months, we heartily congratulate all those who obtained their place on competitive courses across all universities and apprenticeships, as well as those who secured A*s and/or As across all of their A-levels and those who obtained their Oxbridge place. Our Year 13 students have been asked to respond to circumstances beyond their control in ways previously unencountered, and they have met that challenge head-on with courage and determination. We are proud of what they have achieved academically and who they have become through the broader extra-curricular and enrichment experiences here at SGGS. We wish them well as they embark on the next exciting phase in their lives.