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Shottery Replaces The Traditional Prefect Programme For The Sixth Form

An article was published in the Stratford Herald in November, a copy of which is below.  We are enormously proud of the opportunities made available to our students and believe that this new initiative is the brightest way forward, as evidenced by the enthusiastic uptake by our girls.

In a bold move that further shows the innovative forward thinking of the Sixth Form management team at Stratford Girls’ Grammar School, the traditional Prefect programme has been abolished and replaced with a brand new Sixth Form Committee initiative, which is proving to be a huge success with both the staff and the girls.

“Being a Prefect brought a certain amount of prestige and responsibility for those students who were elected, but numbers are limited for obvious reasons, ‘explained Tom Mahony, Deputy Head of Sixth Form at the school.  ‘Our students are dynamic and innovative girls with impressive ideas and they are enormously proactive and driven.  We wanted to move away from tradition and develop a more modern way to enable them to utilise those skills within their own environment and to be more involved with the shaping and direction of school life here at Shottery, and the results have been remarkable.”

There are eight committees, including Communications & Marketing, Enrichment, Events and Environment & Spaces.  Girls are invited to apply for selection when they reach Year 12, which means that they can take advantage of leadership opportunities earlier than on the previous prefect programme.  The girls are invited to use their own initiative and take more responsibility in terms of decision making and the evolution of their chosen committee.  Emma Bell, Head of Sixth Form, is really pleased with the new system.  “It is an opportunity for students to build on skills prized by top universities and employers.  We’ve had some great ideas from the girls, many of which are now being implemented.  Most recently, the layout and refurbishment of our new sixth form hub was led largely by the committees and the results have meant that we now have a fantastic environment for the girls to study, relax and socialise in, which is hugely positive.”