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Physical Education

Our Vision

The school has an excellent reputation for sport, and in recent years there has been a tremendous number of notable achievements. At SGGS we recognise the importance of physical activity and the positive impact it can have on young peoples’ physical and emotional well-being. Physical Education at SGGS, therefore, provides students with a breadth of sporting opportunities both competitive and recreational to inspire, motivate, and challenge all students. Through PE, students have the opportunity to develop both their practical abilities as well as skills and attributes they can transfer into their lives in the wider community.


We benefit from having three outdoor tennis courts, two full-size outdoor netball courts, and extensive field space that caters to all of our outdoor provision. We also have a 400m shared athletics track and a well-equipped fitness suite. In addition, we have a fully equipped Sports Hall which accommodates a full-size netball court and four badminton courts.

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At SGGS, our intent within physical education is to provide all students with the tools and understanding required to make a positive, lifelong impact on their physical health and mental well-being.  We aim to deliver a wide range of activities that both challenge and motivate students to participate in physical activity and sport both within SGGS and the wider community. 

We aim to create positive experiences for all students in PE through the development of physical confidence and problem-solving. We do this by building leadership qualities in the students, for example by leading warm-ups and learning to speak confidently in front of others. We teach young people to cope with both success and failure in competitive, individual, and team-based physical activities. We ensure that students make progress through carefully planned lessons, mastering increasingly more difficult skills, practices, tactics, and rules as they move through each year group, or more technically and choreographically challenging routines for gym and dance. In conjunction with this, we develop their social skills by teaching a mix of different sized and ability groups.

Our curriculum at SGGS goes well beyond what is taught in lessons. As a department we offer an outstanding and varied extra-curricular program at lunchtime and after-school, open to all students. The activities on offer and the range of competition levels we compete in develops our students’ sporting abilities. From traditional sports such as football, netball, and hockey to lifestyle activities such as yoga, fitness, and dance. What we achieve in both curricular and extracurricular activities provide students with transferable skills that will help to equip them for life both outside and beyond school. 


The PE Department deliver high-quality PE lessons in broad and balanced blocks of work. Each block of work is carefully planned and sequenced to ensure that all students make progress regardless of their physical ability. The breadth of activities offered ensures enjoyment and engagement in all areas of the curriculum.

In KS3 students have one double PE lesson every week where they will participate in a range of activities in 3-week blocks, these will alternate between indoor and outdoor activities and are predominantly game-based. In Year 9 we introduce the sport of volleyball for students. Students also have one single PE lesson every other week, these blocks run for a total of 6 lessons.

Each week KS4 students have a double PE lesson taught in two or three-week blocks. This ensures students remain engaged, interested, and motivated throughout their learning, and that there is something for everyone to experience. In KS4 we also introduce the sports of Lacrosse and Handball.

KS5 students have two sports options on a Wednesday afternoon. The first option is the U18 Netball Academy for students who are dedicated and committed to improving both their physical netball skills as well as their teamwork and leadership skills. Through the academy students train, play competitive fixtures, attend a local gym for strength and conditioning, and coach netball to local primary schools. The second KS5 option is ‘Sport For All’.  Our aim is for students to enjoy the recreational nature of this option and to experience a variety of activities that they may continue in the future.

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The aim is that our broad and balanced PE curriculum will significantly impact our students' ability to acquire the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to make appropriate choices about their physical and mental health.  The curriculum will develop positive self-awareness in students as they become physically competent. The impact of this is demonstrated with high levels of student participation and engagement in lessons. Extra-curricular sessions are extremely well attended, leading to recognised success in competitions at the local, regional, and national levels. Through both our PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs, students demonstrate healthy attitudes to competition, showing respect for individuals, teams, officials, and coaches.  It is hoped that all students will leave SGGS equipped with the knowledge and understanding to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

SGGS Twitter

We also have a PE department Twitter account where you can follow our lessons, fixtures, and extra-curricular clubs throughout the year. Please click here to be taken to our Twitter account. 

